Recorded in Sedona, Arizona
The Light Code transmissions of this series assist you in maintaining and regaining alignment with the high vibrational version of you, your multidimensional self. The sounds facilitate you in clearing your mind and brightening your energy field. This series is like an energetic vacuum cleaner. On the one hand old dusty energy is sucked out of your system and on the other hand stardust is blown into your field so that you can stay in the knowing of who you really are. In this way more intergalactic guidance can flow through your being and contribute to our planetary awakening.
By clearing and transforming ourselves (the vessels that we are), we do such an important work for our collective evolution. Every one of us is as important as every other being on this planet (and beyond). This is teamwork. We are making it happen.
Find Light Code script below
Further down below you find all the pages of Light Code script that come with this series. It is a tool to help integrate all the cosmic sounds from these HOLD THE GROUND transmissions.
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HOLD YOUR GROUND playlist on YouTube:
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Light Code script
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Let me give you some more information about the Light Code script and how it could assist you in your process:
The codes support your transformation process. The symbols are vortexes and have a strengthening and activating effect on your self-healing capacity.
Before you start the experiment, you can listen to the associated transmission. Follow your inner guidance.
Print the pages and place the first on the ground and stand on it with your eyes closed. Experience what you feel in your body. How is the energy moving? If you feel that a specific part (inside) of your energy / body could use some extra assistance, bring your attention to that part and simply ask the light codes to move to that part. If you see them as ‘your friends’ who are there to work together with you and bring you exactly what you need, you might be able to feel how the energy is changing and how that specific part starts to feel more in balance.
Subsequently, you place the second page on the ground and stand on it. Again, feel what is going on inside of you and how the energy is moving inside of your body. It might be completely different compared to the first page. Stay open to whatever it is that wants to be felt. Again, when you feel a part in your energy / body that could use some assistance, bring your attention to that part and allow the light codes to ‘do their work’.
Continue this process for all other pages.
You can also place the prints under your mattress or place your water bottle on top of it to charge it with the high frequencies. Use your inner guidance and experiment what works for you.