Online series
Below are the online series available for you, including those from the Mother Earth Speaks collection. These recordings were made during my travels around the world, where I connected with powerful natural locations and ancestral wisdom. The Mother Earth Speaks journey began in Costa Rica and has since taken me to Guatemala, Mount Shasta (California), Sedona (Arizona), Egypt, England & Scotland, Tibet, Mexico and the Netherlands. Your sentence is grammatically correct, but it could be improved for clarity and coherence. During my journey, I climbed many volcanoes, connected with Mayan ancestors, explored the depths of Inner Earth, encountered mystical creatures such as dragons, and delved deep into the sacred womb of Mother Earth. Additionally, I sat between the legs of the Sphinx and experienced profound heart-opening moments within ancient stone circles. This ongoing journey has been transformative and I've compiled the following episodes with dedication for you, for us, and for our precious Mother Earth: Mexico Intensive II, Mini series Guided Light Code Meditations | Ravne Tunnels Bosnia, Hawaii Intensive, Mexico Intensive, Tibet Series, England & Scotland Series, Egypt Series | part 1, Hunebed Series - part 1, Hunebed Series - part 2, Red Rock Series, Mount Shasta Series, Costa Rica Series - part 1
These profound journeys invite you to embrace the unknown on a deeper level, fostering a sense of centeredness and grounding. They promote a deeper connection with your body and the Earth, inner peace in daily life, and greater acceptance of both inner and outer experiences.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Mexico Intensive II
Sparking your aliveness and joy

The sacred sites we will visit, along with meeting the wisdom-keeper whales, will support us in exploring the special essence of this journey. When I tune into the theme of Mexico Intensive II, this is what I perceive as our focus:
Embracing joy and playfulness ignites the liveliness within you—zest for life. The second chakra, associated with these qualities, is often overlooked as we focus on healing and the aspects of ourselves we’re not yet happy with (trauma, self-judgment). Playfulness can lighten your life, making it feel more effortless. It helps you zoom out, raise your frequency, and infuse your being with sparks of joy. It creates self-confidence and makes you feel steady and grounded in your own being, radiating warmth and authenticity. Read more
Guided Light Code Meditations | Ravne Tunnels Bosnia
Experiencing deep relaxation and regeneration
During my one month stay in Bosnia in September and October 2024, I meditated inside the Ravne Tunnels on an almost daily basis. I perceived them as very peaceful, where the air is alive with negative ions, dancing softly around and through me. This sacred space, in which the Bovis value measured is extremely high, wrapped me in a warm cocoon, revitalizing both my body and spirit. The total silence assisted me in connecting with my inner self. I consider this sanctuary as a timeless retreat for rejuvenation. And that's why I recorded five guided light code meditations here, to share my special experiences with you. Read more
Bosnia Series
Retrieving an inner gem
The pyramids of Bosnia and it's surrounding area are a dazzling vibratory complex of healing and activation, acting as gateways to alternate realities. Like cosmic diving boards, they can launch you into different dimensions. Entering this supercharged field awakens what is ready within you and washes away what no longer serves. Your cells undergo deep cleansing and activation, purifying your light body to be more receptive to higher dimensional interactions. Read more
Mexico Intensive
Exploring a new field of consciousness
Join me on this immersive online journey of deep energetic exploration and transformation across Mexico. While I explore this stunning country, you can benefit from the energy of the sacred sites I visit. As I am present on these sites, acting as a cosmic correspondent by sharing live Light Code transmissions, I serve as a conduit between the physical and ethereal realms, enabling us to traverse portals and delve into heightened realms of existence. From the comfort of your home sanctuary, you can tap into potent streams of energy, embracing healing and empowerment as we journey together. Read more
Tibet Series
Awakening your dragons within
This Tibet Series is all about re-opening and restoring your connection to the multidimensional realms. The gateway to your spiritual home. The Seat of Source. Mount Kailash, Tibet’s most sacred mountain and crown chakra of Mother Earth, is a majestic portal that facilitates you in your process of remembering your greatness. This series offers you the opportunity to receive pristine cosmic cleansing & clearings, going deep into the core of your DNA and your multidimensional being, preparing you for the release of your inner black dragon and allowing your golden dragon to be freed! It is all related to dissolving your resistance to your inner power, the (yet) unknown enormous strength that was the reason you choose to come to this planet during this time of age. Read more
England & Scotland Series
Heart opening journey into cosmic love
Exploring the wondrous worlds of England and Scotland has been a profound heart opening experience. The mystical sacred sites, often built on ley lines and other energetic power spots, facilitate you to enter into the infinite cosmic realms that exist inside of your heart. These cherished lands together with the fairies, dragons, giants, Master Merlin and countless other fascinating beings are here to work and play with you to dis-cover your inner ‘effortless lightness of being’. In this state you flow in sync with the elements of life and feel an equal part of divine existence. This magical world is so very real. It abides behind a veil that dissolves as soon as you allow yourself to deeply surrender to the unknown and unexplored dynamics that exist beyond the physical senses. This is where you can truly feel that pristine love is the web that connects everything. It is so pure, warm and uplifting. The sparkling fountain of your life force is freely flowing inside. You feel energetic, curious like a child and in high spirit. You are SO welcome to BE the authentic you that you are. Read more
Egypt Series - part 1
Re-activation of our ancient future
What a journey! I’ve only been in Egypt for one week and so much has happened! It all started with the 44 million year old whales in the Valley of the Whales, Wadi el Hitan. They had told me to first come to them, before doing anything else in Egypt. We travelled into a hall of records where they received me (and everyone listening to the transmission in the future) and shared their hidden wisdom. Then the magic started on Giza Plateau: a plasma pyramid, beams from the top of the pyramid, ground cracking open, vortices, Isis, Lion beings guarding the operation, light ship underneath the plateau. And all of that as a preparation for the final part of the mission: the transmission between the front legs of the Sphinx*. In between all of this I went into the Sahara for two days and was able to connect with the precious Crystal Mountain and Black and White desert. My heart is wide open and I wish you the same. May these transmissions touch you deeply. That’s what it did to me too. Read more
Mother Earth Speaks | Hunebed Series - part 2
Deep power awakens
The journey continues and the mission gets clear along the way. I will be visiting all 54 Dutch Hunebeds in the next months (or years?). They all want to be reconnected back to the collective grid, exactly how it used to be thousands of years ago. I see a web that consists of dots of light and lines connecting all these dots. The lights are switching back on one after another and the lines in between will be able again to transfer powerful energy back and forth between the dots. Just like a nervous system. To me this web looks even like an immense living being that is in the process of awakening again after a long and deep sleep. If this being awakens, the innate power will be noticed throughout the cosmos... Read more.
Mother Earth Speaks | Hunebed Series - part 1
Deep power awakens
This series is the most unexpected one I've made until now. It surprised me that I had never been aware of the power that these Hunebeds in the north of the Netherlands contain. Now I understand why. First of all, because I was not ready yet to experience what life had in store for me. Secondly, our collective consciousness wasn't ready either ;-). Fortunately times have drastically changed. We have raised our frequencies. Hidden sacred sites all over the world are en masse showing themselves to the ones who can perceive them. They are calling us! A new network of 'forgotten' spiritual grounds is lightening up. We are invitated to open ourselves up to these vortices and receive the wisdom and energetic upgrades that will support us in the next phase of our (massive) evolutionary expansion. Read more.
A sacred space for a personal, planetary & cosmic clean-up
It’s in this sacred space where you can sense the whirls of sparkling energy and the refined rays of multidimensional light. It’s this sacred space that offers you the opportunity to let go of your fears, dissolve your resistance and surrender to your deep inner power. This sacred space is a grounded base for high frequency beings to assist us in moving into the next stage of our existence. It’s this sacred space that is powerful as a bulldozer and soft & subtle as a new born baby.
You are held in loving arms to be reborn into the new. It’s the miraculous and mystical touch that awakens your wonderful web of light, illuminating your memories of the ever so loving divine being that you are. Read more
Mother Earth Speaks - Red Rock series
Ancient portals to multidimensional realms
This Red Rock Series is about reconnecting with our Native American ancestors and retrieving the memories of our own indigenous roots. The wise elders are and have always been a bridge between our beloved Mother Earth and the multidimensional wisdom from the cosmic realms. The red rocks are keepers of these precious frequencies. Read more.
The Path of the Feminine
Guidance from beloved SOPHIA | MARY | GAIA.
These Light Code transmissions take you on a journey through the different phases of Loving Harmony, Loss of Connection, Recovery to the Divine Plan and Living your Souls Mission. Let yourself be guided by three prominent representatives of the Divine Feminine: Mother Sophia, Mother Mary and Mother Gaia. They take you by the hand and share the collective memories of the path that every woman and every man has endured. This assists you in retrieving deep inner trust and honor to the Sacred Mother. She who resides in the depths of your being, providing life-force and nurturing you on a souls level. Read more
Mother Earth Speaks - Mount Shasta series
Mystical wonders of a majestic mountain
The time that I spent in the Mount Shasta area has brought me an immense upgrade on many different levels. And I felt you were with me all along. I would sit at the fire place, sharing my deepest intentions and I would invite you to do the same. I would throw whatever I energetically didn’t need anymore into the fire and I asked you to that too. I prayed for you, I’ve seen you in my dreams and you were with me during my meditations. We were on this journey together and I will always cherish that in my soul. Read more.
Mother Earth Speaks - Costa Rica series
Messages from juicy jungle & vigorous volcanoes
Being in the presence of a volcano, an emerald green crater lake or another majestic power spot, allows us to tap into our innate wisdom, connected to the source of creation. They are great catalysts in (re)connecting us with our primordial power and breaking free from our subconscious fears to surrender. Read more.
EXPAND your EXPRESSION Intensive (5 days)
Liberating your precious potential and sharing your true voice.
The throat chakra is the bridge between your heart and the mind, between your higher dimensional wisdom and the physical realms. A clear and well developed throat chakra integrates the wisdom of both and allows you to embody the light and manifest heaven on earth. Sounds help you to stay in the reality of your innerverse (your inner universe) and support you in remembering your true nature. In addition to that, sounds assist you in honoring your connection with your ancestors and soul family. Read more