Online 10:10 Portal transmission | October 10, 2024 – live from the Bosnian Pyramid of Love.
You can also sign up for the Bosnia Intensive (an online journey live from the Bosnian pyramids and surrounding power spots in September and October) or the Three October transmissions.
- Duration: approximately one hour and some time to share afterwards.
- The replay will be available a few hours after the transmission (or sometimes the next day). You’ll receive a notification once it’s available online. Feel free to listen to the recording and relive this precious moment at your convenience.
- Contribution: a welcome suggestion for this transmission is € 15,00 or sign up for the Bosnia Intensive (an online journey live from the Bosnian pyramids and surrounding power spots in September and October) or the Three October transmissions (€ 37,77).
[English] Theme of October
‘Through an opening’
You’ve traveled through a tunnel, and now, an opening appears—the path ahead is free. After much preparation, you’ve arrived with a deeper surrender, sliding through the portal into a new, expanded reality. The space around you is quiet but unfamiliar. Where are you? Does it matter? You’ve completed one chapter and entered the next. Your perception has shifted; colors and shapes appear differently. You’re invited to see from a new perspective, as the old one has faded. Your creativity is ready to spark new solutions and visions—you’re walking a new path.
[Dutch] Oktober thema
‘Door een opening’
Je bent door een tunnel gereisd en nu opent zich een doorgang: het pad voor je ligt vrij. Na een flinke voorbereiding ben je met diepere overgave aangekomen, glijdend door het portaal naar een nieuwe, verruimde realiteit. De ruimte om je heen is stil maar onbekend. Waar ben je? Maakt het uit? Je hebt een hoofdstuk afgesloten en bent een nieuw binnengegaan. Je perceptie is verschoven; kleuren en vormen tonen zich anders. Je wordt uitgenodigd om vanuit een nieuw perspectief te kijken, want het oude is vervaagd. Je creativiteit staat klaar om nieuwe oplossingen en nieuwe visies te ontketenen: je bewandelt een nieuw pad.
Colorful cacophony of sounds
Experience a multidimensional sound journey from the comfort of your own bed or couch. As we traverse various dimensions, we tap into higher frequencies, revealing the essence of your true self—your multidimensional being. Encounter energies ripe for release, transformation, and upgrade as we immerse ourselves in an hour of vibrant light languages (codes of light). Embrace everything that surfaces as it merges with the light.
This online transmission supports profound inner cleansing, mental clarity, inner peace, and an open heart. It enhances your receptivity to the loving, high frequencies permeating our planet and also aids in grounding during dynamic moments of energetic expansion.
** Connect with your multidimensional self **
** Unlock codes of ancient future wisdom **
** Illuminate your being with light **
This transmission facilitates:
- A deeper connection with and awareness of your multidimensional self.
- Unveiling new layers of higher consciousness.
- Surrendering to your soul’s path and highest potential.
- Aligning your mind with your soul’s mission.
- Trusting your inner guidance and letting go of the need for full understanding.
- Embracing the present moment without anticipation of the future.
- Awakening and refining your inner senses.
- Embedding light into your body and activating your DNA.
- Clearing lower frequency energies from your cellular memory.
- Increasing clarity around unconscious patterns and beliefs, allowing for transformation.
Listen to the replay
If you are unable to join live, you can listen to the recording at your convenience. By doing so, you naturally connect with the vibratory healing field created during the live session.
Here you can read the experiences of those who have gone before you.