Egypt Sacred Keys & Codes | LIVE online Guided Light Code Meditation (March 3, 2023).
Hosted by Ariëtte LOVE (HeartSoulutions) and myself.
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Our journey through and our mission in Egypt is nearing its completion. Since many of you have energetically been travelling with us, we feel guided to share with you this live online Guided Light Code Meditation on 3.3.2023 at 3.33pm CET (15.33h Dutch time).
During our joint endeavor, many sacred codes have been unveiled and retrieved. Of both ancient and future timelines. In individuals, in the group we lead from Luxor to Abu Simbel, in the collective.
This journey turned out to be about/contained many Initiations. Despite very challenging interferences – which requested our full focus and mastery – the Light has expanded tremendously. Frequencies have been amped up.
Embodiment is what is being asked of all of us in these pivotal and highly transformational times, as we shift from rationally knowing how things ought to be done, to integrated wisdom and the courage of actually walking the talk.
Let us open our Hearts and enter the inner sanctum of our Soul, where treasures of multi-timelines and dimensions can be refound and re-owned.
Onze reis door en onze missie in Egypte nadert zijn voltooiing. Aangezien velen van jullie energetisch met ons mee hebben gereisd, voelen we ons ertoe geroepen om deze live online lichtcode-meditatie met jullie te delen op 3.3.2023 om 15.33 uur Nederlandse tijd.
Tijdens onze gezamenlijke inspanning zijn veel sacred codes onthuld en teruggevonden. Van zowel oude als toekomstige tijdlijnen. Individueel, in de groep – die we leidden van Luxor naar Abu Simbel – en in het collectief.
Deze reis bleek vele inwijdingen in te houden. Ondanks zeer uitdagende inmengingen en verstorende energieën – die onze volledige focus en meesterschap vroegen – is het Licht enorm in kracht toegenomen. Frequenties zijn verhoogd. Belichaming is wat er van ons allemaal wordt gevraagd in deze cruciale en zeer transformerende tijden, nu we verschuiven van rationeel weten hoe dingen zouden moeten worden gedaan, naar geïntegreerde wijsheid en de moed om daadwerkelijk de daad bij het woord te voegen.
Laten we ons Hart openen en het innerlijke heiligdom van onze Ziel binnengaan, waar schatten van multi tijdlijnen en -dimensies kunnen worden hervonden en opnieuw belichaamd kunnen worden genomen.
- Duration: about one hour and some time to share afterwards.
- The replay is now available.
- Contribution: a welcome suggestion for this Guided Light Code Meditation is € 15,00. Thank you in advance ❤️.
Colorful cacophony of sounds
While you are comfortably lying down in a quiet room on your own bed or couch, I take you on a multidimensional journey through your subconscious. We move through other dimensions and connect with higher frequencies that help you remember who you truly are in your essence: your multidimensional self. Along the way we encounter energies that are ready for discharge, transformation and upgrades. For an hour you will be showered with a colorful cacophony of light languages (codes of light). Everything is welcome to come to the surface and merge with the light.
This online transmission can contribute to profound inner cleansing, a clear mind, softness and stillness, peace and an open heart. Besides it will attribute on the one hand to be more open to receive the loving high frequencies that are flooding our planet. On the other hand it helps you to stay grounded in these sometimes dynamic moments of energetic expansion.
** Connecting with your Multidimensional Self **
** Revealing Codes of Ancient Wisdom **
** Bringing Light into your Body **
This transmission contributes to:
- A deeper connection with and awareness of your multidimensional self
- Revealing new layers of your higher consciousness
- Surrendering to your souls path and your highest potential
- Letting your mind be of service to your souls mission
- Trusting your inner guidance and letting go of the need to understand
- Living in the moment without wanting to know what comes next
- Awakening and further developing your inner senses
- Anchoring light into your body and activating your DNA
- Clearing lower frequency energies from your cellular memory
- More clarity with regard to unconscious patterns and beliefs, so that they can be transformed
Listen to the REPLAY
If you cannot participate live in the transmission, you can also listen to the recording at a later time. You’ll automatically tap into the vibratory healing field that has been created during the live session.
Here you can read the experiences of people who went before you.