Online Tibet Equinox transmission (September 23, 2023) | LIVE from a very special place between Mount Kailash, Lake Manosarovar & the Himalayas (Tibet)
You can also sign up for Two September transmissions.
- Duration: about one hour + some extra time to share afterwards.
- The replay is now available.
- Contribution: a welcome suggestion for this transmission is € 15,00 or € 22,22 for the two. Thank you in advance ❤️.
Theme (English)
‘New chapter & new adventure’
Imagine standing in front of two doors. They fly open and you are flushed with an exquisitely beautiful bright white light. This light is like a wave that rolls over you. You could be caught by surprise. Wow, that is a lot of light! It flushes your heart space, enters into every cell of your being and embraces you from within. Your cells are receiving imprints of new types of Light Codes coming from a cosmic realm that you had no access to before. You have graduated from your previous chapter and can now embark on the adventures of a whole new chapter.
Thema (Dutch)
‘Nieuw hoofdstuk & nieuwe avontuur’
Beeld je in dat je voor twee deuren staat. Ze vliegen open en je wordt overspoeld met een oogverblindend schitterend mooi helderwit licht. Dit licht is als een golf die over je heen rolt. Het zou je zomaar kunnen verrassen! Wauw, dat is veel licht! Het doorspoelt je hart, stroomt in elke cel van je wezen en omhelst je van binnenuit. Je cellen ontvangen een nieuw soort Licht Codes die uit een kosmisch rijk komen waar je voorheen nog geen toegang toe had. Je bent afgestudeerd op je vorige hoofdstuk en kunt nu aan de avonturen van een heel nieuw hoofdstuk beginnen.
Colorful cacophony of sounds
While you are comfortably lying down in a quiet room on your own bed or couch, I take you on a multidimensional journey through your subconscious. We move through other dimensions and connect with higher frequencies that help you remember who you truly are in your essence: your multidimensional self. Along the way we encounter energies that are ready for discharge, transformation and upgrades. For an hour you will be showered with a colorful cacophony of light languages (codes of light). Everything is welcome to come to the surface and merge with the light.
This online transmission can contribute to profound inner cleansing, a clear mind, softness and stillness, peace and an open heart. Besides it will attribute on the one hand to be more open to receive the loving high frequencies that are flooding our planet. On the other hand it helps you to stay grounded in these sometimes dynamic moments of energetic expansion.
** Connecting with your Multidimensional Self **
** Revealing Codes of Ancient Wisdom **
** Bringing Light into your Body **
This transmission contributes to:
- A deeper connection with and awareness of your multidimensional self
- Revealing new layers of your higher consciousness
- Surrendering to your souls path and your highest potential
- Letting your mind be of service to your souls mission
- Trusting your inner guidance and letting go of the need to understand
- Living in the moment without wanting to know what comes next
- Awakening and further developing your inner senses
- Anchoring light into your body and activating your DNA
- Clearing lower frequency energies from your cellular memory
- More clarity with regard to unconscious patterns and beliefs, so that they can be transformed
Listen to the REPLAY
If you cannot participate live in the transmission, you can also listen to the recording at a later time. You’ll automatically tap into the vibratory healing field that has been created during the live session.
Here you can read the experiences of people who went before you.