The Path of the Feminine
Guidance from beloved SOPHIA | MARY | GAIA
This is a series of transmissions that has had the biggest impact on me during the process of recording. I would wake up in the middle of the night with tears running down my cheeks as I allowed the voices to speak through me. Just before I was about to put everything together and create this online series my laptop broke and the display turned all pink. It was a sign that I wasn’t ready for a launch yet. There were still some experiences in store for me to go through before this journey could be published. And now, some months later and with many teachings in the pocket from Motherly Mount Shasta (California, United States), my heart is ready to share it with you.
We have lived lives…
The wisdom that is being shared stems from the ancient beginning of humanity. It describes the evolution of the feminine energy and helps us to remember our roots and reactivate the codes of light that we carry deep within.
We have lived lives in which we followed our highest potential, effortlessly and in full congruence with our cosmic heart and the heart of Mother Gaia.
We have lived lives in which we communicated with our star families and experienced a magnificent and magical galactic dance here on Mother Earth.
We have lived lives in which we slowly started realizing that it didn’t feel safe anymore to share our souls gifts with the world.
We have lived lives in which we started loosing our connection with our higher knowing.
We have lived lives in which we weren’t even aware anymore of our Source Codes embedded in our DNA.
We have lived lives where we had to protect ourselves, where we were threatened and punished. We decided that living in silent hidance was the best solution.
The Sacred Flame
But then through the course of many lifetimes our divine connection slowly started presenting itself again. It became clear that the Sacred Flame could not be extinguished. This small and intangible sign of life started leading you back home as your all encompassing guiding angel. The more you released the challenging memories that were stored in your DNA, the bigger the Sacred Flame became. The more you let go of troubling fears a deep trust and inner knowing started to emerge. Sudden realizations and deep hidden insights bubbled to the surface and ancient gifts and talents presented themselves in your evolving reality. Slowly you became aware that all that you thought was lost, had never been really gone. It was stored in the Sacred Flame that connects you with your Divinity, the essence of life itself.
Cosmic Graduation
And here you are, you’ve arrived at your Cosmic Graduation. You are cleansing and purifying the remaining shadows to make space for all that ancient future multidimensional wisdom. You are integrating the precious high vibrational energy into your every day life so that you can be of service to the world and live according to your Souls Mission. You are assisting humanity in raising her frequency and reconnecting her back into the deep remembrance of who we truly are.
An intimate story
These transmissions take you on a journey through the different phases of Loving Harmony, Loss of Connection, Recovery to the Divine Plan and Living your Souls Mission. Let yourself be guided by three prominent representatives of the Divine Feminine: Mother Sophia, Mother Mary and Mother Gaia. They take you by the hand and share the collective memories of the path that every woman and every man has endured. This assists you in retrieving deep inner trust and honor to the Sacred Mother. She who resides in the depths of your being, providing life-force and nurturing you on a souls level.
Feel how the sounds help you to reconnect with your innate power and retrieve the energetic parts that you’ve given away. With regaining that power you reclaim your sovereignty and allow your soul to fully incarnate in your present day life.
The vibrational codes paint a picture of the delicate, rough, raw and naked experiences of life. An impermanent dance of sensuality, serenity, vulnerability and nudity. The cosmic sounds move as diamond laser beams of light through your being, weaving threads of golden light into a mystical web of cosmic intelligence.
This journey is an intimate story of the Initiate. The one who is increasingly aware of the power that lies within and who has moved beyond the fear of powerlessness. It’s the feminine that has recovered and now walks the path of an inspiring example for our collective consciousness. The one who has picked up the Sacred Flame and now leads the way for many to follow.
Light Therapy
The sounds that come through my voice will intensively flush your entire being. Call it light therapy if you will.
The high-frequency sounds move like laser beams of light through your layers of subconscious. Each sound journey helps you transmute and release deeply rooted ‘old’ energy on all levels: mentally, emotionally, physically and energetically. In this way, space is being created and new uplifting vibrations can come into your life.
Multidimensional Intelligence
Since the cosmic sounds are a container for healing energies and have a multidimensional intelligence, they provide you with exactly what you need in the moment to connect with your higher knowing and transmute subtle (or less subtle) programs that try to hold onto an illusionary safety. You can listen to the transmissions as often as you want. Every time you listen, you might have a completely different experience.
You receive
For an unlimited period of time you receive access to the six transmissions listed below.
Opening (28.52 min)
Episode 1 (33.06 min)
Episode 2 (37.06 min)
Episode 3 (25.30 min)
Episode 4 (32.32 min)
Completion (27.31 min)
Besides the sound transmissions, you receive six pages of Light Code Script. The symbols are a vortexes and have a strengthening and activating effect on your self-healing capacity. You can print the pages, stand on them for a few moments and experience how you react. You can also place the print under your mattress for additional support, or place your water bottle on top of it to charge it with high frequencies. Please use your inner guidance and experiment what works for you.
I am available via e-mail and WhatsApp, so in case you’d like to share your experiences or you want to ask something about your process, feel free to contact me.