This transmission is a little different than I'm used to. As I describe in the first few minutes of the video, you can listen to both this Light Code transmission AND the Source Code Activation by Janosh at the same time.
This Light Code transmission assist you in maintaining and regaining alignment with the high vibrational version of you, your multidimensional self. The sounds facilitate you in clearing your mind and brightening your energy field.
Find Light Code script below
Further down below you find three pages of Light Code script that comes with this Light Code Activation. It is a tool to help integrate the cosmic sounds.
YouTube (sounds start at 4.54 min)
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Please watch the first few minutes of the video below in which I'm explaining what we're going to do. Please find the video of Janosh with the Source Code Activation UNDER this video.
Source Code Activation by Janosh on YouTube
Please use this link for the Source Code Activation (starting at 22.15 min).
Open it in a second browser.
Light Code script
The Light Code script supports your transformation process. The symbols are vortexes and have a strengthening and activating effect on your self-healing capacity.
Below you find three pages of Light Code script that I wrote for this transmission. You can print it and place the print under your mattress or place your water bottle on top of it to charge it with the high frequencies. Use your inner guidance and experiment what works for you.